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Author: Mitchell Belfer

Crimea and Punishment

Recent events in Ukraine are unfolding at a dizzying pace. From the attempted brutal clearing of the Maidan Nezalezhnosti to the subsequent deposing of Viktor Yanukovych, the Russo-Cossack push into Crimea and the de facto annexation of that peninsula, Ukraine seems situated on the brink of a national catastrophe. Meanwhile, Russia radiates serenity.

March 17, 2014 - Mitchell Belfer

Zeman’s Power-Play

To the casual observer, last week’s corruption scandal which gripped the Czech Republic, forced Petr Nečas (a.k.a. “Mr. Clean” to his anti-corruption platform) from the premiership and plunged the country into an acute political crisis was nothing more than a slight departure from the norm. After all, corruption is rife and a wide assortment of […]

June 24, 2013 - Mitchell Belfer


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