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Author: Michael Eric Lambert

A (Chinese) spy paradise?

Theories and practices of Chinese foreign policy in the post-Cold War Caucasus

October 22, 2019 - Michael Eric Lambert

Why are Moscow and Brussels so obsessed with Moldova?

Moldova might seem to be a tiny country with little power to affect global or even regional politics, but looks can be deceiving. As a matter of fact, in order to understand the unique relationship between the West (namely the EU and NATO) and Russia, one must also understand Moldova’s geopolitics.

April 3, 2019 - Michael Eric Lambert

China takes it all in the Black Sea region

China is becoming a major player in the Black Sea, to the advantage of the countries of the post-Soviet space and under the sometimes concerned eyes of Russia and the European Union member states.

February 19, 2019 - Michael Eric Lambert

The foreign policy option of Western countries regarding para states in post-Soviet space

Because para states are unlikely to disappear any time soon, we have to see if they are able to sustain themselves and how to include them without any recognition. Non-recognition is a major geopolitical issue. Respect of human rights is another one, and this too directly concerns states without international recognition and outside the jurisdiction of international law.

October 30, 2018 - Michael Eric Lambert

Soft power vs hard power: the diplomatic struggle of the Western world in the East

The combination of EU soft power and US hard power towards the East seems to be wearing off. While the transatlantic relationship is being remodeled, Russia tries to regain its footing.

October 11, 2018 - Michael Eric Lambert

The future of Chinese investment in the Caucasus – The case of Abkhazia

China is balancing its investments with large doses of pragmatism in the Caucasus. Internationally recognized partners or not, work on the Belt and Road Initiative must proceed.

September 20, 2018 - Michael Eric Lambert

Nighttime reflection on the soft power of Russia in contemporary times

It is difficult to describe the soft power of Russia. Is it viable to think of it in Western terms?

September 11, 2018 - Michael Eric Lambert

In Transnistria, you can still dream

Like youth everywhere, young people in Transnistria are depressed about little things but not as anxious as their peers in the West. The lack of information and the feeling of living in a bubble make it easier for them to survive. Despite what you might often read in western media, life in Transnistria is not all that bad.

January 4, 2018 - Michael Eric Lambert


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