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Author: Lasha Gamjashvili

Georgian Dream turns into Georgian Nightmare: election fraud, escalating protests, and a confrontation with the EU

The unrest that erupted in Georgia following the recent parliamentary elections shows no sign of ending. As the Georgian Dream government comes under increasing pressure, the country now stands at a crossroads regarding not only its democracy but also its place in the world.

December 19, 2024 - Lasha Gamjashvili

Georgia’s move towards a green economy: possibilities, drawbacks and structural challenges

Green issues are usually not the first thing that comes to mind regarding Georgian politics. Despite this, the signing of a recent treaty shows that the country is starting to take climate change seriously. Tbilisi must subsequently make sure that such promises now result in real change.

August 16, 2022 - Lasha Gamjashvili

The national accord process in Georgia

Georgia’s political environment remains characterised by deep divides that have persisted for years. Following the EU’s own attempts to help the country last year, it appears that it is now the Georgian president’s turn to help forge a path forward.

March 24, 2022 - Lasha Gamjashvili


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