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Author: Lana Ravel

Here Comes Croatian Trouble (Or Maybe Not?)

Walking around Trg Bana Jelačića, the main market place in Zagreb, one’s eyes are immediately caught by the presence of countless European Union flags: yellow stars on blue backgrounds float in the air alongside tricolour red and white draughtboard flags. Around the whole city hang billboards, posters, and fliers; reminders that Croatia has finally taken […]

June 30, 2013 - Lana Ravel

What Would Asterix Do?

January 2013 will certainly be remembered in France for the immense turmoil orchestrated by the departure of the French actor, Gérard Depardieu, to Russia. The “child prodigy” of French cinema has “betrayed” his homeland and all the French people familiar with his infinite talent. Since the beginning of the 1970s, Depardieu has collaborated with the […]

January 20, 2013 - Lana Ravel

An Unfinished Mission: Gender equality in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

On November 30th 2012, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon once again declared that engaging women and promoting gender equality is a daily responsibility for all of us. The crucial role that the UN has been playing for years in the fight against gender discrimination is very much relevant in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, […]

December 11, 2012 - Lana Ravel


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