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Author: Krzysztof Walski

Twenty Years of the EU Single Market

On the 20th anniversary of the European Union Single Market, the Polish Ministry of Economy hosted a forum in which the potential of new technology, a knowledge based economy, and the need for new growth were discussed as important elements if Europe is to pull itself out of its current crisis. The National Forum on […]

October 31, 2012 - Krzysztof Walski

Energy Security and Unconventional Gas

On June 4 2012, top European Union officials met with Vladimir Putin, in a tsarist palace outside of St. Petersburg, as part of a biannual EU-Russia summit.

June 20, 2012 - Krzysztof Walski

Wrocław Acts Globally

Between May 31st and June 2nd 2012, politicians, economists and other major figures in transatlantic relations converged in Wrocław Poland for the Wrocław Global Forum – a two and a half day conference on current hot topics.

June 12, 2012 - Krzysztof Walski


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