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Author: Katerina Barushka

And Then There Were None: The 2012 parliamentary elections in Belarus

The cover photo shows the invitation to the 2012 parliamentary elections in Belarus and reads: 23 SEPTEMBER 2012 / ELECTIONS OF THE MEMBERS / OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES / OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY / OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS / EVERYONE COME TO THE ELECTION! The September parliamentary elections were probably the most boring […]

October 22, 2012 - Katerina Barushka

Alexander Lukashenko’s Flying Circus

On July 4th Tomas Mazetti and Hannah Lina Frey from the Studio Total flew a small plane over the territory of eastern Belarus, dropping around 800 teddy bears carrying messages in support of freedom of speech in the country.

September 5, 2012 - Katerina Barushka

Elections in Belarus. Five reasons to pay attention

With parliamentary elections in Belarus due to take place in September, Belarusian journalist, Katerina Barushka, stresses the importance of the elections and the reasons why the international community shouldn't become indifferent to them. Why should the international community be interested in Belarus and its upcoming parliamentary elections which are due to take place on September […]

July 17, 2012 - Katerina Barushka

Elections in Belarus. Five reasons to pay attention

With parliamentary elections in Belarus due to take place in September, Belarusian journalist, Katerina Barushka, stresses the importance of the elections and the reasons why the international community shouldn't become indifferent to them. Why should the international community be interested in Belarus and its upcoming parliamentary elections which are due to take place on September […]

July 17, 2012 - Katerina Barushka


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