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Author: Katarzyna Taczyńska

Cela #18

A new publication sheds new light on the horrible experiences of Belarusian women incarcerated following the 2020 protests.

September 11, 2023 - Katarzyna Taczyńska Wojciech Tworek

Multilingual and multiple minorities. Who are the Balkan Jews?

The documented history of Jews in the Balkans can be traced back to the early Middle Ages and has been studied by researchers from diverse perspectives. Undoubtedly, it is a vibrant, dynamic and tumultuous story, set at the crossroads of multiple intersecting cultures and social groups. Although the Second World War profoundly impacted the Jewish world, it did not bring about its end.

In less than three years, we have lost three women who had made a tremendous impact on Balkan Jewish culture. The first to pass was Flory Jagoda, who died in January 2021. Born in 1923 in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) as Florica Papo, Flory emigrated to the United States after the Second World War. She was an accomplished singer and composer devoted to the preservation of the Ladino and Sephardic traditions.

September 11, 2023 - Katarzyna Taczyńska


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