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Author: Igor Lyubashenko

Is it too early to speak about justice in Donbas?

There is no clear post-conflict strategy for Donbas. This is to a significant extent caused by the hybridness of the conflict which effectively prevents the fundamental goal of peace. If peace were to be achieved, however, experience from the field of transitional justice could point to some ways post-conflict justice might progress in Ukraine.

Much has been written about the Donbas conflict since it evolved into a full-fledged war in the summer of 2014. One aspect of the conflict which has been given almost no attention, despite its obvious importance for Ukraine’s long-term development, are reflections on its aftermath. The debate in the West has predominantly focused on highly pragmatic and technical questions like how to stop the violence and move the conflict into the political realm. Ukrainians, on the other hand, are stuck in a black-and-white characterisation of “treason vs victory” in terms of virtually all aspects of the conflict. In the background of both approaches, there seems to be an assumption that the conflict can be resolved rather easily and the situation will return to what existed prior.

This assumption is misguided. Any stable and long-lasting resolution of the conflict should be accepted by all interested parties as just. This implies that such a resolution is yet to be found.

October 31, 2017 - Gerhard Kemp Igor Lyubashenko

Crowdsourcing Defence and Trust

What can you get for half a dollar these days? In most Western countries, it isn’t much. You can’t even buy a cup of coffee. But if you happen to own a mobile number through one of Ukraine’s mobile operators, you have an interesting opportunity to help buy some military equipment for the Ukrainian army.

April 29, 2014 - Igor Lyubashenko

Are the New Media Helpful? Lessons from the Ukrainian crisis

As an international relations analyst, I observed the Ukrainian events of November 2013-February 2014 closely. At the moment, I am analysing Russia's aggressive response to these events. What I see beyond the surface of facts and analyses is a constant dispute about whether the widely-understood new media played a constructive role in these events.

April 10, 2014 - Igor Lyubashenko

We Won’t Win This War

In his famous book Simulacra and Simulation, Jean Baudrillard has written that in the modern world, information “rather than creating communication, exhausts itself in the act of staging communication. Rather than producing meaning, it exhausts itself in the staging of meaning”.

March 11, 2014 - Igor Lyubashenko

A Historic Chance not to Waste

In February 2014 history has not only proven to continue, but seems to have accelerated. The dynamics of the events in Ukraine between February 18th and 22nd is simply unbelievable. It is definitely not a good time to make a prognosis.

February 24, 2014 - Igor Lyubashenko

The EuroMaidan’s Real Battlefront

The EuroMaidan’s main battlefront is not in Kyiv or any other city in Ukraine. It is in the global information space.

January 28, 2014 - Igor Lyubashenko

Euromaidan: Chronicles of a networked revolt

The period between November 21st and December 1st 2013 marks the beginning of a new era in Ukrainian politics. It is now possible to say with confidence that one of the main things that took place is the political initiation of the new generation.

January 1, 2014 - Igor Lyubashenko

Will New Media Change New Europe? In search of a new realism

During the process of transformation, Central and Eastern European countries have reached different levels of stability and prosperity. What remains common is the fact that all of the states, without exception, still need to “make up for the losses” that divide them from developed western partners.

November 25, 2013 - Igor Lyubashenko

Will New Media Change New Europe? In search of a new realism

During the process of transformation, Central and Eastern European countries have reached different levels of stability and prosperity. What remains common is the fact that all of the states, without exception, still need to “make up for the losses” that divide them from developed western partners.

November 25, 2013 - Igor Lyubashenko

Hashtags and Fan Pages vs.Trade Barriers

When Russia openly started a trade war against Ukraine in August 2013, the reason for it was quite obvious – to hamper the eventual decision on signing the Association Agreement with the European Union during the upcoming Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius, and make those who influence the decisions of the Ukrainian authorities think more […]

August 29, 2013 - Igor Lyubashenko

Into the Clouds

It is not a secret that information is one of the principle resources of almost every business today; and business success depends strongly on the efficiency of the “information bloodstream” in a company. Information technology have become “steroids” for businesses throughout the world, multiplying their efficiency. However, in countries with poor investment climates it has […]

April 25, 2013 - Igor Lyubashenko

On Privacy, Networking and their Meaning for Public Diplomacy

Wave 6, the latest edition of social media research by Universal McCann media agency, highlights an interesting difference in various nations’ attitudes towards privacy in social networking sites. The general tendency appears to be incompatible with common wisdom. Although there is much concern about “authoritarian” (or at least not fully democratic) governments using social media […]

March 19, 2013 - Igor Lyubashenko


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