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Author: Ian Hansen

Unrealistic Views of NATO

Stephen M. Walt’s recent piece praising realists highlighted their valuable prudence in a gloomy world based on a competition for power. Yet, he incorrectly made the repeated assertion that NATO expansion is partially culpable for Russian aggression.

May 2, 2014 - Ian Hansen

The Great Game Outside of International Law

What better way to appreciate the failure of the West to understand Vladimir Putin than to acknowledge that the European Union, Russia, Ukraine and the United States will meet in Geneva on April 17th to discuss Ukraine’s future. The Swiss city, of course, is synonymous with post-Second World War conventions that attempted to entrench different principles of international law associated with armed conflict.

April 17, 2014 - Ian Hansen

Lines of Interest in Central and Eastern Europe

The Ukrainian crisis highlights how the United States is constrained to a role imploring others to help solve geopolitical problems in spaces where it only signals its desires. Thus, increased European resolve and a strengthened Euro-Atlantic partnership are the only ways to protect governments from future malevolent Russian meddling.

April 8, 2014 - Ian Hansen

An Exit from Maidan

Following the violent assault of peaceful protestors in Kyiv on November 30th, the Ukrainian protest movement morphed into a revolution. Since that point, the significance of the news coming out of Maidan, the central square in Kyiv and the epicentre of the protests, is difficult to be captured in a single article.

December 12, 2013 - Ian Hansen

Why Vilnius Still Matters

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) Summit in Vilnius on November 28 and 29 is the cornerstone of the Lithuanian presidency of the Council of the European Union.

November 27, 2013 - Ian Hansen

Look to the Borderlands

How best can Barack Obama learn from mistakes in his foreign policy with Russia? This seems to be the important question stemming from recent articles (Vlad the Impaler by Kori Schake) and general observations displaying the American president of less than impressive dealings with Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin.

August 18, 2013 - Ian Hansen


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