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Author: David Hallbeck

The return of ideology

Russia and Iran are well known for their traditionalist politics both at home and abroad. Despite this, questions still remain as to how these outlooks are supported and maintained over time. It appears that deeply rooted social factors are responsible for this reality.

February 16, 2024 - David Hallbeck

Particularities of contemporary Russian society can be traced both to history and Russia’s oral culture

Russia’s political and social behaviour can seem surprising. It is like there always is, despite a relatively highly educated population and access to western, liberal ideas, a return to archaic, paternalistic, antagonistic and violent structures and behaviours. Can this be due to a combination of traditional family structures, late development of literacy, and relative isolation, rendered possible by a certain economic and political autarchy? Were the changes of the early 1990s illusory, carried by groups and people whose influence was only accidental and now the old structures return?

July 20, 2023 - David Hallbeck


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