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Author: Alexandra Wishart

The cost of saving Europe’s asparagus harvest

In our “Europe without borders” that stipulates all European citizens have the same inalienable rights, the reality is very far from the ideal. The COVID-related scandals surrounding seasonal workers, slaughterhouses and overcrowded living facilities have brought an unspoken societal consensus to the forefront – namely, which lives we deem most valuable and worthy of protection.

As the economic plunge caused by COVID-19 erodes prosperity across the European Union, the distinctive vulnerability of migrant workers and minorities has been increasingly exposed. Although this discussion has focused on the staggeringly high mortality rates among the black and minority populations in the United States and the United Kingdom, a much less discussed, yet equally beleaguered, group includes seasonal and precarious workers from Central and Eastern Europe employed along both sides of the Dutch-German border, whom the economic slump provoked by the pandemic has turned into a disposable resource at greater risk of infection.

September 7, 2020 - Alexandra Wishart

Ukrainians in the Polish-German Borderland

The complex nature of Polish-Ukrainian relations have taken on another shape in the former German territories today part of Poland's north-west.

May 22, 2019 - Alexandra Wishart

Ukrainian civil society under attack

The conditions for the Ukrainian civil society are becoming increasingly difficult ahead of a highly contested presidential election in a few months time.

November 8, 2018 - Alexandra Wishart

How the Ukrainian far-right has become one of the biggest proponents of Intermarium

Intermarium, a concept largely forgotten during the Cold War, has been rediscovered and remodeled by Ukrainian nationalists.

September 25, 2018 - Alexandra Wishart


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