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Category: Issue

Issue 1-2/2024: Elections without choice

Is there hope for Belarus? Read the latest issue of New Eastern Europe now available

February 7, 2024 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 6/2022: Point of No Return

Scenarios on future relations with Russia. The latest issue of New Eastern Europe is now available. Find out what's inside and how to get your copy.

December 8, 2022 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 3/2022: The Pain of War

Now available. Issue 3/2022 of New Eastern Europe. The Pain of war. Testimonies of aggression and resistance. A special edition dedicated to telling the stories from Ukraine at a time of war.

April 25, 2022 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 1-2/2022: Tug of War? Addressing the challenge of instability in the region

The situation with Russian threats towards Ukraine once again illustrates the high level of instability in our region. While certainly security and geopolitics are right now at the top of the agenda, other types of instability also remain, including political, economic and social. In this issue, our authors help us get to the core of this instability and in some cases offer solutions for overcoming it.

February 16, 2022 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 2/2019: Postmodern Geopolitics

The consequences of the emerging multipolar world.

March 5, 2019 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 3-4 2018: Para-states. Life beyond geopolitics

The Summer 2018 issue of New Eastern Europe tackles the complexity of para-states in the post-Soviet space. Our authors analyse their status and position, but also take you beyond the geopolitics. They focus on elements that elude the everyday policymaker or analyst. They look at culture, identity and entrepreneurship.

April 26, 2018 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 2/2018: The many faces of Putin

Vladimir Putin is set to win a fourth term as president of the Russian Federation. The March-April 2018 issue takes a deeper look at the consequences of Putin's presidency and what could eventually come after...

February 26, 2018 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 6 2017 – Central Asia. The forgotten region?

November/December 2017: Central Asia. (Is this how you imagine) The forgotten region? Central Asia is an ethnically, geographically and culturally diverse region, covering a similar land mass as the European Union. Yet, it remains one of the least familiar to the general public in the West. An important region in its own right, located in a volatile geopolitical area between Russia, China, Afghanistan and Iran, the five states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan rarely make headlines in the mainstream media. Owing to this neglect the region has fallen victim to orientalist clichés, presenting it as a spacious blank steppe dividing the big players or as a collection of post-Soviet artificial entities devoid of agency in international relations.

October 31, 2017 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 5/2017: Homo post-sovieticus

Stories of an unfinished transformation Anyone interested in Central and Eastern Europe understands that this region is far from monolithic, also in the implementation (or lack thereof) of western economic and political systems. At the same time we cannot deny there is something idiosyncratic about the former Soviet bloc, something which links its societies together. Either through common experience or history (or both).

October 7, 2017 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 3-4 2017: The Balkan Carousel

Get this issue delivered straight to your doorstep. Click here to subscribe online today.  “The price of Europeanising the Balkans is much higher than the price of the Balkanisation of Europe,” claims Zagreb-based writer Miljenko Jergović in the opening essay to this issue of New Eastern Europe. This poignant statement calls for wide attention, especially […]

May 15, 2017 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 5 2016: Silencing Dissent

Get this issue delivered straight to your doorstep. Click here to subscribe online today.  The plight of political prisoner’s in Eastern Europe This issue of New Eastern Europe aims to show the plight of the political prisoners whose voices we barely hear. Our contributors include former prisoners themselves, Andrei Sannikov and Rasul Jafarov, as well […]

August 30, 2016 - New Eastern Europe

Issue 6 2016: Brave New Borders

Get this issue delivered straight to your doorstep. Click here to subscribe online today.  Five years since the first issue of New Eastern Europe, we return to the topic of that first issue: Borders. This issue, titled “Brave New Borders”, debates Europe as a border-free continent as well as offers analyses on the border changes […]

August 30, 2016 - New Eastern Europe


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