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Issue 6 2016: Brave New Borders

August 30, 2016 - New Eastern Europe - Issue

cover 6 2016

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Five years since the first issue of New Eastern Europe, we return to the topic of that first issue: Borders. This issue, titled “Brave New Borders”, debates Europe as a border-free continent as well as offers analyses on the border changes 25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. At that time new borders emerged. Not all of them, as Tom de Waal and Maciej Falkowski argue, fit the social context of the countries they are meant to demark. This, in turn, can spark conflicts and lead to separatist tendencies as well as other undesired developments.

Borders can also be rendered meaningless by massive migration movements, as Vesna Goldsworthy illustrates in the case of Great Britain and the Balkans. Memory can also create borders, it is argued by Ukrainian writer Andriy Lyubka who takes us on a journey to search Ovid’s traces in the places where the Roman poet spent his last days. Lastly, Ulrike Guérot (Germany) and Dániel Mikecz (Hungary) debate as to whether we are truly ready to live in a borderless world.

Clearly, the thematic scope of this issue goes beyond borders and includes the critical essays on the most current and pressing developments. They include Francisco de Borja Lasheras’ in depth analysis of the reform process (or lack thereof) in Ukraine and Taras Kuzio’s unmasking of Europe’s extreme politics rooted in Soviet narratives.

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Revenge of the border

Thomas de Waal

A journey upstream: New meanings of the border

Vesna Goldsworthy

In search of barbarians

Andriy Lyubka

Can we live in a borderless world?

Ulrike Guérot

Believe it or not: Borders ensure political action

Dániel Mikecz

Building co-existence: Part II

Krzysztof Czyżewski

The South Caucasus. A stable change

Maciej Falkowski

Reforming Ukraine in times of war and counter-revolution

Francisco de Borja Lasheras

At 25 is Ukraine any closer to Europe?

Joanna Fomina

Hybrid deportation from Crimea

Greta Uehling

Wine and geopolitics

Kamil Całus and Piotr Oleksy

The Mikhalkov-Putin syndrome

Leonidas Donskis

The Soviet roots of anti-fascism and antisemitism

Taras Kuzio

Russia’s complicated memory

Kacper Dziekan

London’s gift to Moscow

Grzegorz Kaliszuk

Armenia seeks to bolster its role as a transit state

Erik Davtyan

Central and Eastern European heritage in the Southern Cone

Stuart Feltis


The collapse of the Soviet Union was a miracle. The tragedy is taking place today

An interview with Serhii Plokhy

The Donetsk that we used to know no longer exists

An interview with Yuriy Temirov


The Balkan Route uncovered

Natasza Styczyńska and Omar Marques


Monument wars in the Baltic states

Aleksandra Kuczyńska-Zonik


A new national story?

Jean-Yves Potel

In the interest of freedom

Piotr Skwieciński


Good girls seldom make foreign policy

Iwona Reichardt


Between Ostpolitik and eastern policy

Paweł Kowal

Snapshots of Central Asia

Eimear O’Casey

Searching for shadows

Maxim Edwards

Energy quest for Belarus

Vytis Jurkonis


Why a good neighbourhood matters?

Paweł Kurant

We can be optimistic about the future

An interview with Adam Hamryszczak

On Polish-German relations during challenging times

Bartosz Rydliński

Preserving the unity of a fragmenting Europe

Kai-Olaf Lang

Borders of opportunity

Adriana Skorupska

Poniatowski in Leipzig

Konstantin Schoenfelde


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