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Ukraine’s unfinished story

On the country’s difficult journey to the West and the obstacles that still remain. Issue 4/2021 is now available!

June 23, 2021 - New Eastern Europe - Issue 4 2021Magazine

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From the social, economic and political points of view, a lot of work still remains on Ukraine’s European path. And this is why Ukraine’s story is incomplete and requires further scrutiny. In this issue our authors take us through recent events and developments in the country, including President Zelenskyy’s (mis)management of the COVID-19 crisis and vaccine roll-out; social attitudes to the Maidan seven years on; the changing role of women in the military; Russia’s ongoing colonisation of the Crimean peninsula; the negative impact Nord Stream 2 will have on the country; a look at Odesa’s challenges; and much more. The issue concludes with a special focus on the security situation in the Eastern Flank to bring to light ongoing topics that are faced by NATO members in our region. The publication is in conjunction with the June 2021 NATO Summit and aims to contribute to the dialogue surrounding the NATO 2030 initiative.

Table of Contents

Ukraine’s unfinished story

Nowhere to hurry? Victoria Guerra
Uncovering the paradoxes of values in Ukrainian Society Anna Osypchuk
Invisible no more Guillaume Ptak
The minister of everything Kateryna Pryshchepa
The silent Russian colonisation of Crimea Olena Yermakova
Ukraine’s public diplomacy enters a new phase Nadiia Bureiko
Nord Stream 2. Strictly business or wider threat? Mykola Voytiv
Odesa’s growing mismanagement Maxym Przybyszewski

Opinion and Analysis

How should the EU deal with Russia after Navalny’s poisoning? Alexandra Dienes
Streamlining soft power Miłosz J. Zieliński
Hungary’s friends in need Dominik Héjj
Crisis like a dream Wojciech Wojtasiewicz
A fortress of human rights Adam Chmielewski


Turkey’s original sin  A conversation with Candan Badem

Art, Culture and Society

Lennart Meri. Statesman and prophet Grzegorz Kozłowski
The mutilated world Jacek Hajduk

History and Memory

The Holocaust in Romania turns 80, with antisemitism back in political vogue David M. Shoup

Tackling prejudice. Stories from the Solidarity Academy

How Ukrainian female drug users are fighting against stigma and abuse Vladyslav Kudryk
Make yourself at home Joanna Urbańska
Billboards, bureaucracy, Budapest. Foreign students in the Hungarian capital Márton Munding
Job market for people with disabilities in Poland Katarzyna Rodacka
The care crisis An interview with Kinga Milánkovics


How powerful is Russia? Jakub Bornio
Fear as essential Anna Efimova
A book prematurely born Ewa Thompson
Remembrance, history, and justice Juho Nikko

All Quiet on the Eastern Flank?

Stability but for how long Jurgis Vedrickas
Minimising the threat from the East Kalev Stoicescu
Is NATO’s 360-degree approach enough to keep focus on the Eastern flank? Wojciech Michnik
The other great power threat. China as a new challenge for NATO’s Eastern flank Ivana Karásková
Regional security from Ukraine’s perspective. A focus on NATO Maksym Khylko


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