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Geopolitics and Coronavirus

Please join us for a special online discussion featuring some authors from the newest issue to be live streamed on our Facebook and YouTube pages.

July 10, 2020 - New Eastern Europe - Events

In the newest edition of New Eastern Europe we conduct a special debate on what impact COVID-19 may have on the shifting geopolitics in the region of Eastern Europe. We asked a group of experts for their input and analysis on how relations between Europe, the Eastern Partnership and Russia could develop as a result of the pandemic and what might come next. Will this virus and the crisis fundamentally change relations and geopolitics – and if so in what way?

This discussion features:
– Richard Giragosian is the founding director of the Regional Studies Center (RSC), an independent think tank in Yerevan, Armenia.
– Alena Kudzko is the director of the GLOBSEC policy institute.
– Andrey Makarychev is a visiting professor at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu in Estonia.
– Karina Shyrokykh is a researcher at Stockholm University and Swedish Institute of International Affairs.
– The discussion will be moderated by Adam Reichardt, Editor in Chief of New Eastern Europe

This debate is co-financed through an agreement with the Eastern Europe Department at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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