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God, luck and Viktor Orbán

Over the last ten years, Hungary has become a textbook example of systemic corruption and clientelism in the heart of the European Union. Yet despite the fact that EU institutions have developed a wide range of tools, they could barely curb Viktor Orbán’s regime with regards to its feudal system of corruption.
In order to understand the nature of Viktor Orbán’s regime in Hungary, it is worth reading the classic Hungarian novel Relatives by Zsigmond Móricz. Móricz tells the story about a fictional town that is a hotbed of systemic corruption and a clientelist network of provincial nobility between the wars in Hungary. After 30 years since the democratic transition, its thesis about feudal dependency applies to contemporary Hungary more than ever: “In a certain way, everybody depends on the government.”
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January 28, 2020 - Edit Zgut - Hot TopicsIssue 1-2 2020Magazine

In the last decade, we have been witnessing how formal structures went hand-in-hand with informal structures in Viktor Orbán’s hybrid regime, where the state allocates its resources to individuals and groups closely related to its leader. Photo: European People's Party (CC) www.flickr.com



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