Exclusion in Belarus: pieces of discrimination
In April this year, one of the schools in Gomel, a city in the south-eastern part of Belarus, hosted a meeting of residents at the residential building number 18. The issue that brought the people together was the total lack of facilities for those with special needs. Andrey Antonenko, a resident, uses a wheelchair and needs a platform stairlift to leave his apartment. The day before the meeting, 106 people voiced their opposition to the installation of the stairlift in the main entrance hall of the apartment bloc.
“And how are we to live?! How are we supposed to move furniture?” the neighbours asked resentfully. “And the noise? That thing will make noise!”; “How much space will it take up?”
September 1, 2018 - Tanja Setsko - Issue 5 2018MagazineStories and ideas