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Issue 1 2016: Losing Focus? Eastern Fatigue vs. Reality

November 2, 2015 - New Eastern Europe - Issue


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The January-February 2016 issue of New Eastern Europe opens with an inconvenient truth; that Europe is starting to lose focus on its Eastern borders. Considering the costs that are at stake we highlight the message put forward by Andrew Wilson who writes that when it comes to Ukraine “now is not the time to lessen attention or lose faith”. His words are reinforced by Ukrainian MP and reformer, Hanna Hopko, who poignantly states that: “The process of state-building is not particularly attractive to the media.”

Russia also remains a critical country that deserves greater attention, and one that is not solely limited to Vladimir Putin’s rhetoric and military manoeuvres. With many voices in the West advocating for an end to the sanctions and stronger cooperation in international affairs, we have asked our authors to help us construct a broad picture as to the deeper issues facing Russia in a year that marks the 25th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Thus, Russian political scientist Igor Gretskiy addresses the age-old question of Russia’s European identity, while a report by a young journalist, Alexey Gorbachev, provides insight as to how the younger generation of Russians see themselves in the world today. Our reporter, Daniel Wańczyk, also takes you to Teriberka, above the Arctic Circle, to share his experiences of the journey and life in a place that was grimly presented in the award-wining film Leviathan.

Other highlights include:

Balazs Jarabik on the state of Ukraine’s reforms

An essay on the reality of being Belarusian by Stsiapan Stureika

A series of texts dedicated to Russian identity and position in today’s world

Debates on Moldova and Romania going into 2016

Sijbren de Jong’s analysis ondevelopments surrounding Nord Stream 2

A profile of Svetlana Alexeivich – Belarusian writer who was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature

A new format for our book review section.

Click here for a preview and full table of contents 

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