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New Eastern Europe is now a Bimonthly

May 21, 2014 - New Eastern Europe - News Briefs

NEE promo 2014 2

New Eastern Europe will now be published bimonthly

This means that we will be able to provide even more insight and analysis from the region to our readers around the world. Instead of four issues a year, we will now publish five (with the summer issue being a double issue).

The decision by our publishers to increase the frequency is based on the rapid growth in NEE readership (we have subscribers in 40 countries worldwide) and the developing events that are taking place in our region. It is the mission of New Eastern Europe to be a magazine of dialogue and to bridge understandings between the East and West. With more issues and more debates, it is our hope that we can achieve this mission even better.

One important note to make – this change will not affect our subscription rates. That means new and current subscribers will now get more content for the same price. As a not-for-profit magazine with very little advertising (we focus on content), we are dependent upon our readers’ support. The best way for you to support us is by purchasing a subscription.

A one-year subscription to New Eastern Europe is 32 euros ($40 US) and a two-year subscription is 60 euros ($75 US). This includes shipping to anywhere in the world as well as free online access to our digital archives.

You can subscribe online via our web site at: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/subscribe-now.

NEE is also available for digital purchase through our app on Apple’s AppStore and Google Play.


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