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Pushed Outside the System

June 6, 2013 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

"… the longer the Putin regime survives, the less the chances are for Russia to survive. The Putin regime is a slow acting poison. Actually it’s no longer slow acting. This poison destroys state institutions and its endemic corruption makes it impossible for the state to recover."

Former World Chess Champion, Garry Kasparov recently stated that he will not be returning to Russia fearing that Moscow will detain and prosecute him for his role in opposition activities. We interviewed Mr Kasparov back in December for our Jan-March issue of New Eastern Europe 1(VI)/2013. In this interview he was very positive about the opposition movement in Russia and the newly established coordinating council, contrasting the recent pronouncements by Kasparov and his fears of the Russian authorities. In light of this, we are republishing editor-in-chief Adam Reichardt's interview in its entirety.

To read the full interview visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/842


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