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12. Visegrad Summer School

March 5, 2013 - Example Author - Bez kategorii

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12. Visegrad Summer School will be held from June 30th to July 13th 2013. Call for applications is open from 1 March 2013. Each candidate should register at www.visegradsummerschool.org and provide an on-line application form. Deadline for submitting applications: March 31st 2013. Accepted participants will be informed by April 30th 2013.

The Visegrad Summer School is educational programme which provides an interdisciplinary learning space for young Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak students, and for their peers from other Central and Eastern European countries. The project aims to deepen knowledge on regional and global challenges, eliminate mutual stereotypes and build ties and friendly relations. Previous editions of the School were attended by over 500 people from: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, France, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

The programme of the 12. edition includes lectures, debates and workshops on current political, cultural and social challenges in the regional, global and European perspective. In addition to experts and intellectuals, we host Ambassadors, Ministers, European Union representatives, academics, politicians, businessmen, journalists, artists, representatives of national and local governments, as well as NGOs. The participants, in smaller groups, work on development projects that are presented at the closing session. Students are invited for study visit to Malopolska region and attend artistic events in Krakow. Multicultural session allows participants to search for common identity as well as insight the cultures of the Visegrad countries. Some of the debates, lectures and meetings are open to the public.

The Visegrad Summer School has been carried out by the Villa Decius Association annually since 2002. Our idea is to create an alternative platform to university for advanced studies on the Visegrad Group as well as other Central and East European countries. The programme is an opportunity for the participants to get acquainted with and discuss current social, security, economic, political and cultural issues. It is also an opportunity to learn about each other and start an international cooperation between the people and the countries.

More information: www.visegradsummerschool.org

Anna Kowalska, project coordinator: ania@villa.org.pl

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