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Moldova’s Little March

March 29, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

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Moldova's Little March

By: Horia-Victor Lefter

After 917 days of political gridlock under the banner of the “little March”, the Moldovan Parliament has elected a President. Many leaders, out of exasperation, hastened to congratulate the new head of state, despite the risk of shouting victory too early, most believed the “challenge”, as Martin Schultz (President of the European Parliament – editor’s note) has put it, was over. But spring did not come with just one flower, as the tensions that caused this stalemate are not yet overcome. It remains to be seen how Nicolae Timofti, a long-time judge believed uncorrupted and openly pro-European, is going to deal with internal issues as well as foreign ones, while the Communists are already questioning the election’s legitimacy.

To Read the full article please go to: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/267


Also online – Interview with Jacek Piechota, former Polish Minister of the Economy on China's role in trade in the Baltic Region:  https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/265


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