Table of Contents 2_3
March 18, 2012 -
Example Author
Opinion and Analysis
Perspectives on Putin 3.0
Gail W. Lapidus From Reset to Relapse?
Jadwiga Rogoża Russia of Stability vs. Russia of Change
Dmitry Babich Russia: Plus ça change
Ivan Preobrazhensky Democratisation: Scene two, take one
An interview with Grigory Yavlinsky Little Ground for Optimism
Susan Corke and David J. Kramer The Faustian Bargain
Cornelius Ochmann The New German Ostpolitik
Sviatoslav Khomenko United or Lost? Opposition in Ukraine
Adam Balcer, Lilia Revak Ukraine: European Australia or Congo?
Thomas Escritt The Danube Waltz
Rashad Shirinov Yes to Euro, No to Vision
Zakhar Prilepin Out of Russia
Local Effects of the Global Crisis
Benu Bidani, Mame Fatou Diagne, Salman Zaidi Effects of the Global Crisis on Households
Linas Jegelevicius Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons?
Michał Potocki Two Schools of Crisis Management
Agaton Koziński Bridge Over Troubled Danube
Sara Khojoyan South Caucasus and the Crisis
Alexandr Yakuba In Search of 25 Million Jobs
An interview with Colin Thubron A Journey into the Russian Soul
Katarzyna Kwiatkowska Navalny’s World
Ziemowit Szczerek Islam in Sandzak
Alexander Guzhalovsky The Silence of the Radio
People, Ideas, Inspiration
Sławomir Łukasiewicz Jan Nowak-Jeziorański. A Sketch for a Portrait
Books and Reviews
Łukasz Wojtusik In the Darkness of the Holocaust
On the fi lm directed by Agnieszka Holland In Darkness
Agnieszka Sadecka The Quiet Wife Speaks Up
On Danuta Wałęsa’s Marzenia i tajemnice (Dreams and Secrets)
Mayhill Fowler Not Just a Woman
On Robert Massie’s Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman
Jana Kobzova A Socratic Dialogue
On Lilia Shevtsova and Andrew Wood’s Change or Decay: Russia’s Dilemma and the West’s Response
Annabelle Chapman Biography of a City
On Charles King’s Odessa: Genius and Death in a City of Dreams
Natalka Śniadanko Eternitarians of Time
On Taras Antypovych’s Chronos