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Tag: Ukrainian culture

Andrey Kurkov: navigating war, fiction and Ukrainian identity

The full-scale war in Ukraine has left local writers in a difficult position. While many have traditionally focused on writing fiction, the demands of the conflict have seen their work delve more into the pressing needs of the country. On a personal level, however, fiction often remains a refuge in an uncertain world.

October 16, 2024 - Joshua Kroeker

Exploring crime fiction, war and Ukrainian literature

Interview with crime author Kseniya Tsyhanchuk. Interviewer: Kinga Anna Gajda.

July 3, 2024 - Kinga Gajda Kseniya Tsyhanchuk

Russian: a pragmatic proposal

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine is inextricably linked to Putin’s belief that the Ukrainian nation and language do not exist. In response, western institutions should do all they can to promote this language when engaging with Russian citizens. Such a policy may encourage Russians to reflect on their government’s actions.

November 21, 2022 - Tomasz Kamusella

A cultural day in the big city

Despite being under attack, Ukrainian society is fighting back on its own terms. This includes the organisation of cultural events across the beleaguered country.

October 24, 2022 - Galyna Datsyuk

Culture is an indivisible good: on the margins of “Ukrainians are calling for a cultural boycott of Russian artists. Is the world ready to listen?”

Many people have now called for an outright boycott of Russian culture, as if it bears some responsibility in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But such a radical move would only harm a new wave of Russian cultural figures attempting to challenge the essentialist understanding of the country’s values, as imposed by Kremlin’s propagandists.

August 4, 2022 - Joanna J. Matuszewska

Premonition: the Kremlin’s quest to destroy Ukrainian language and culture

The fight for Ukraine’s survival is happening in more ways than just on the front. The rich heritage of the country’s language and culture is now under attack from a genocidal Kremlin administration determined to consign it to history. Moscow’s war goal of “denazification” is none other than Russification.

July 22, 2022 - Tomasz Kamusella

Ukrainians are calling for a cultural boycott of Russian artists. Is the world ready to listen?

Politics and culture are inseparable. Many event organisers are now searching for a third option instead of a direct boycott of Russian attendees.

July 20, 2022 - Kate Tsurkan

Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest

Ukraine’s recent Eurovision victory has shown the world its vibrant music industry. This is especially true given the ongoing Russian invasion, with the contest providing a platform for the country to promote its own unique identity.

May 19, 2022 - Arkadiusz Zając


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