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Tag: Sunak

Back to the future?: the return of David Cameron and Ukraine

The return of former British Prime Minister David Cameron to frontline politics has surprised observers at home and abroad. Taking up the position of foreign minister, the veteran politician will now oversee the country’s ongoing support for Ukraine. Such a role will undoubtedly be overshadowed by his failure to deter Russian aggression in 2014.

November 28, 2023 - Niall Gray

Where does Sunak stand on Ukraine?

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has attracted more controversy than his predecessors when it comes to Ukraine. Most renowned for his business credentials, the UK’s new leader has pursued a quieter approach to the conflict. However, does this reality amount to a simple change in style or a fundamental shift?

January 10, 2023 - Niall Gray

Where now for Britain’s Ukraine policy?

The downfall of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson could not have come at a worse time for a besieged Ukraine. Now planning a major counteroffensive, the Zelenskyy administration had come to rely on the outgoing UK leader for arms and diplomatic support. The ongoing contest to succeed Johnson in the autumn will decide the future contours of this extensive bilateral relationship.

August 23, 2022 - Niall Gray


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