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Tag: Russian youth

Life under one leader: Kremlin’s relationship with the Russian youth

When a Kremlin spokesman refuted the claim that President Putin is afraid of Alexei Navalny, he failed to mention that the regime nurses an underlying fear of the Russian youth.

February 24, 2021 - Anastasia Starchenko

Generation war: Russia’s militarised children

Through propaganda, special training and a systematic educational approach, young Russians are becoming part of the Russian government’s offensive policy.

June 16, 2020 - Oleksandr Kraiev

State funding for rappers

Sergey Naryshkin, Russian chief of Foreign Intelligence Service, seems to be very concerned about the condition of his young compatriots. In order to maintain contact with them, he proposed to establish a “link" between state and popular rappers based on governmental funding. However absurd this proposal might seem, it is still better than censorship – which again appeared above the surface.

December 21, 2018 - Filip Rudnik

The politicisation of Russian youth

In Russia, within the younger generation, a politically sensitive “subgroup” has formed and has been growing since 2010. It is no longer just Vladimir Putin's generation, but also the generation of Alexei Navalny and YouTube.

After the protests on the Maidan in Ukraine, the “electro-Maidan” in Armenia and especially Russia’s anti-corruption rallies in the spring and summer of last year, a debate about a new generation of post-Soviet youth has flared up in the media. Is it true that this new generation is more radical than the previous one? Why didn’t young people participate in politics before? How can we describe the life of the modern post-Soviet youth and are they able to finally build a democratic civil society in the post-Soviet space?

January 2, 2018 - Svetlana Erpyleva


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