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Tag: Russian interference

Moldovan lessons in European integration

Moldova’s recent votes in favour of moving towards the EU were met with great approval across the bloc. Despite this, the situation in the country is far from clear cut at the moment. With ongoing Russian attempts to influence the country, there is still a long way to go if serious progress is to be made in bringing the country closer to Europe.

November 15, 2024 - Piotr Oleksy

Georgia, Moldova and Bulgaria are counting on Europe’s support to resist Russia and safeguard democracy

The region is currently experiencing a wave of elections that could prove pivotal for the future of various countries. If the West is to properly halt Russian designs concerning these events, it must offer a comprehensive plan to both political parties and civil society to strengthen and maintain democratic values in the area.

October 30, 2024 - Lika Kobeshavidze

How Russia exploits right-wing organizations and polarizes societies

An interview with Kacper Rękawek, senior fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism. Interviewer: Andrzej Kozłowski

ANDRZEJ KOZŁOWSKI: How is Russia exploiting far-right organizations in Europe?

KACPER RĘKAWEK: This process began over ten years ago and specifically after the 2012 protests in Moscow, when Russians gathered at Bolotnaya Square to express their disagreement with Putin’s third term as president. Having seen the protesters, who in large numbers were representatives of the urban middle class, the Russian authorities came to the conclusion that it was the liberals who were the main threat to the regime. Although these enemies were identified internally, the Kremlin decided to attack them abroad as well.

September 17, 2024 - Andrzej Kozłowski Kacper Rękawek

Voices from a changing Moldova

The Moldovan government has recently made an effort to move closer to the European Union. This has been particularly true following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As the country heads towards pivotal elections in the autumn, people across the country are trying to work out what is best for the future.

August 30, 2024 - Isabelle de Pommereau

Lukashenka does not want a war with NATO. Russia’s influence will not last forever

Interview with Artyom Shraibman, an independent Belarusian political scientist. Interviewer: Paulina Siegień.

May 25, 2024 - Artyom Shraibman Paulina Siegień

Georgians want a better future

Last year, Georgia’s government proposed a controversial “foreign agents” law similar to that in Russia. While protests forced the authorities to back down at the time, a renewed attempt has resulted in more demonstrations demanding a European future for the country.

May 15, 2024 - Mark Temnycky

Combatting disinformation by state agencies: the case of the Swedish Psychological Defence Agency 

Interview with Mikael Tofvesson, head of the operational department of the Psychological Defence Agency. Interviewer: Andrzej Kozłowski.

May 7, 2024 - Andrzej Kozłowski Mikael Tofvesson

“We see you, Russia, and we know how to counter your practices.”

An interview with Martyna Bildziukiewicz, head of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force. Interviewer: Maciej Makulski.

May 24, 2023 - Maciej Makulski Martyna Bildziukiewicz

“North Macedonia has made a clear national decision”

An interview with Slavjanka Petrovska, minister of defence of North Macedonia. Interviewer: Jovan Gjorgovski.

May 4, 2023 - Jovan Gjorgovski Slavjanka Petrovska

It is finally time to counter Russian interference

One year after the onset of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the West’s unity and support for Kyiv still holds strong. However, Moscow’s other, often more covert, operations and interference have still been allowed to run rampant across the globe, with little done to counteract their damaging impact.

March 8, 2023 - Cameron MacBride

Information operations and the 2020 Georgian parliamentary elections

Outside attempts to influence the parliamentary elections in Georgia in 2020 began long before the voters went to the polls. A multi-layered disinformation campaign was accompanied by cyber-attacks.

May 5, 2021 - Givi Gigitashvili

Russian interference in Georgia’s elections. How will the government respond?

A recently released investigation provides grim evidence of Russian interference into the Georgian election process. The Kremlin’s goals for this are clear: to create instability and derail Georgia from its Euro-Atlantic path. The government, however, has been quick to dismiss these claims.

September 28, 2020 - Anastasia Mgaloblishvili


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