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Tag: mobilisation

Putin’s post-mobilisation endgame

The Kremlin has done little to forestall the mass exodus of draft dodgers, suggesting that this announcement could have been a fear-mongering charade aimed at flooding Europe and Central Asia with disaffected young Russians.

November 14, 2022 - Saahil Menon

Should Ukraine allow male students to study abroad?

It is no secret that the time of martial law in Ukraine has forced the authorities in Kyiv to make unpopular decisions. One of the most outrageous is certainly the one regarding the ban on leaving the country of men of recruiting age. Students of international universities are a particularly problematic subcategory in this regard.

October 13, 2022 - Wojciech Siegień

Schengen’s days look increasingly numbered in the wake of Russia’s recent mobilisation drive

The more inadequately trained conscripts that are drafted into the Russian army against their will, the greater Ukraine’s odds of winning the war.

October 6, 2022 - Saahil Menon

Putin’s mobilisation. Too little, too late

Given the systemic difficulties of the Russian army, the mobilisation announced by Vladimir Putin on September 21st may not change the situation on the front very much at all. And when considering the economic and social costs of the war for Russia internally, which are growing at an alarming rate, Putin may have gained some time, but he has not solved the problem.

September 26, 2022 - Agnieszka Bryc


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