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Tag: Eurovision

A Eurovision party with CEE

The 2024 edition of the largest European musical event of its kind placed a spotlight on popular music in Central and Eastern Europe.

May 16, 2024 - Arkadiusz Zając

UKraine 2023: How Eurovision in Britain is promoting Ukraine

Ukraine’s victory at Eurovision last year was the first time a country engaged in full-scale war has won the competition. However, such circumstances have ultimately resulted in runners up Britain organising the event this May. How did this come about and how does the UK plan to promote Ukraine during this year’s Eurovision?

May 5, 2023 - Niall Gray

Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest

Ukraine’s recent Eurovision victory has shown the world its vibrant music industry. This is especially true given the ongoing Russian invasion, with the contest providing a platform for the country to promote its own unique identity.

May 19, 2022 - Arkadiusz Zając


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