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Tag: democratic backslide

On narratives and fairytales: Serbia’s authoritarian leader’s playbook

The student protests that have shaken Serbian society in the wake of the Novi Sad disaster have so far led to only symbolic government changes. But the system itself remains intact and will not face a true reckoning without a direct confrontation with the political machinery built by President Vučić and his inner circle—a system sustained as much by repression as by a carefully crafted disinformation playbook.

February 13, 2025 - Leon Hartwell

Austria’s drift toward isolation: Kickl’s Russia ties and the risk of following Hungary’s lead in the war

Last year’s parliamentary elections in Austria led to the first-ever victory of the far-right Freedom Party. As its leader Herbert Kickl looks set to become chancellor, the party’s extensive ties to Russia are more relevant than ever.

February 6, 2025 - Viktoria Rybicki

We need to fight for democracy in Slovakia once more

Interview with Samuel Marec, a Slovak translator, publicist and writer. Interviewer: Nikodem Szczygłowski.

February 3, 2025 - Nikodem Szczygłowski Samuel Marec

Countering FIMI. A review of seven countries under the Beacon Project

Last year, the International Republican Institute’s (IRI) Beacon Project did a comprehensive study to understand foreign information manipulation and interference in various European countries (as well as Taiwan). The results show different approaches, but also common lessons that can and should be applied to strengthen democratic resilience against growing these increasing threats.

January 15, 2025 - Oktawian Milewski

Edi Rama’s illiberalism is flying under the EU’s radar

The European Union’s relations with Albania are often viewed as overwhelmingly positive. This is especially true when compared to the bloc’s rather troubled links with other states in the Western Balkans. Despite this, overlooking the autocratic practices present in Tirana could cause problems in the future.

December 17, 2024 - Alejandro Esteso Pérez

Georgia’s dream of autocracy

In a vote marred by irregularities, manipulation and fraud, the Georgian Dream party recently secured its fourth consecutive term in power. The election was quickly dubbed a Russian “special operation” by the opposition. However, the autocratic ways of Georgian Dream are long in the making and a homegrown phenomenon.

November 13, 2024 - Viktor Blichfeldt

Questioning the irreversibility of European integration: implications for Moldova

For most of the last 30 years, the process of European integration has been seen as an irreversible one, with the creation of a strong justice system through reforms and the guarantee of the rule of law being one of the key endpoints. The assertion that "the process of European integration is irreversible" has long been present in the public space and has been taken over by the pro-European government in Chisinau. However, recent experiences of some European countries prove otherwise and demonstrate that democracy is not guaranteed, even in the European Union.

September 25, 2023 - Cristian Bolotnicov


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