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Tag: Civic platform

Reversing the Polish drift to the illiberal path

Poland’s new governing coalition has promised to restore the rule of law after many years of manipulation by its rival Law and Justice. Despite this, the changes made by the previous government have now plunged Poland into a battle between legality and legitimacy.

February 14, 2024 - Kamil Matusiewicz

Poland’s Third Way seeks to break political duopoly

As the Polish electoral campaign enters its most crucial phase, it is already clear there will be a hard fought battle for third place. While dashing any hopes of a unified opposition list against PiS, two party leaders have put their political survival on the line in order to break the Kaczyński-Tusk duopoly. The consequences of this move might not be what they intended.

July 11, 2023 - Daniel Gleichgewicht


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