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Tag: aid

Overcoming Ukraine’s healthcare crisis: the activities of “UK-Med”

The Russian invasion has triggered a major health crisis in Ukraine. The destruction of infrastructure, the displacement of millions of people, and the large numbers of injured in front line fighting and shelling across the country, have overwhelmed the Ukrainian healthcare system, depriving the population of adequate medical care. We discussed these issues with three representatives of “UK-Med”, a humanitarian organisation that provides healthcare on the ground in Ukraine. They explained the problems they are dealing with and how their activities are carried out across the country.

March 22, 2023 - Aleksej Tilman

Inaction is something we cannot tolerate

An interview with Oksana Bulda and Liza Bezvershenko from “Promote Ukraine”, a Brussels-based media platform for expertise and civil society initiatives in Ukraine and the EU. Interviewer: Agnieszka Widłaszewska

AGNIESZKA WIDŁASZEWSKA: How was Promote Ukraine (PU) established back in 2014 and what kind of activities has it been focusing on since then?

OKSANA BULDA: After the war started in Ukraine in 2014, there was a need to create a Ukrainian hub, so to say, to promote Ukrainian interests and share information about all of the developments related to the situation in Ukraine. At first, it was perceived more as a diaspora organisation but with time, given that Brussels is the heart of Europe, there was a need to launch wider activity. PU went through many transformations.

December 7, 2022 - Agnieszka Widłaszewska Liza Bezvershenko Oksana Bulda


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