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Tag: 2020 Georgia parliamentary elections

Georgian election news update

With less than two weeks until the upcoming Georgian parliamentary elections on October 31st, New Eastern Europe is watching the developments in Tbilisi closely. This election will be the first since the electoral structure was reformed from a majoritarian system to a predominantly proportional one. Georgia, like the rest of the world, is also facing the economic and public health difficulties that have accompanied the global pandemic. Make sure to follow Georgian Election News for regular updates. #GEElectionNEWS

October 21, 2020 - Mackenzie Baldinger

Russian interference in Georgia’s elections. How will the government respond?

A recently released investigation provides grim evidence of Russian interference into the Georgian election process. The Kremlin’s goals for this are clear: to create instability and derail Georgia from its Euro-Atlantic path. The government, however, has been quick to dismiss these claims.

September 28, 2020 - Anastasia Mgaloblishvili

Georgia’s wayward son

When it comes to Mikheil Saakashvili and his legacy as president, Georgians praise and curse him simultaneously. His announced return should the largest opposition party win in upcoming elections should be seen through the lens of the local society, most of which would not warmly welcome such a homecoming.

September 22, 2020 - Archil Sikharulidze


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