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Exploring Polish Science Fiction and Fantasy

Throughout this series, we will discover together with experts and writers the impact that Stanisław Lem has had in Poland and abroad. We will learn more about Lem’s story, his philosophy and some controversies along the way. We will also look at contemporary literature and bring to light some new Polish authors following in Lem’s footsteps. We invite you to join us on this journey… exploring Polish Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Listen to “Exploring Polish Science Fiction and Fantasy” on Spreaker.

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This series is created, recorded and produced by Adam Reichardt and Maciej Makulski of “Talk Eastern Europe”. The series is supported by a grant from the Polish Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport under the grant program “Promotion of Polish Culture Abroad” from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture, obtained from subsidies established in games subject to state monopoly, in accordance with Art. 80 sec. 1 of the Act of November 19, 2009 on Gambling.


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