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Hungarian metamorphosis: from returning to Europe to occupying Brussels

Hungary joined the European Union 20 years ago and became a member of NATO 25 years ago. Yet, neither occasion has been officially commemorated by the Hungarian government. As Viktor Orbán geared up for this year’s European parliamentary election and the Hungarian EU Council presidency due to take place from July, he announced that he wants to “occupy Brussels”.

With today’s Hungarian government being one of the staunchest critics of the European Union, the memory of the country’s drive towards integration after regime change seems ever so distant. Still, joining the EU – as well as NATO – was one of the three key goals that underpinned Hungarian foreign policy throughout the 1990s and, except for the Eurosceptic extreme right’s objection, was supported by all political forces. The stages of the accession process itself reflected this broad political consensus.
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June 22, 2024 - Zsuzsanna Végh - Hot TopicsIssue 4 2024Magazine

Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, reacts at his arrival at the working meeting of the leaders from the European Council in Bucharest last April. Hungary will be taking up the presidency of the EU Council starting in July Photo: LCV / Shutterstock

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