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The Perfect Gift

September 17, 2014 - Adam Reichardt - Uncategorised


New Eastern Europe is a not-for-profit bimonthly magazine dedicated to providing its readers with up-to-date and insightful commentary, analysis and discussion on the issues relating to the region today. The articles that appear in the issue are distinct than what is found online. However, all income made from our subscriptions are used to provide readers of both editions with the high quality they have come to expect. 

The price of your gift includes shipping and tax plus a special email announcement to the gift recipient of your purchase. Subscribers also gain free access to our digital archives, which means they can access all of our past issues to read on the computer, iPads or e-readers like Amazon Kindle. 


 Click here to purchase your gift in euros 

 (40 euros for 1-year / 75 euros for 2-years)


 Click here to purchase your gift in US dollars

 ($45 for 1-year / $80 for 2-years)


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