Lecture: How to understand eastern Ukraine
New Eastern Europe, the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the Polish PEN Club and the Ukrainian PEN Club invite you to the lecture titled “How to Understand Eastern Ukraine?”
May 8, 2014 - New Eastern Europe - Events
The lecture will be given by dr Andriy Portnov, a historian and essayist and editor in chief of the web portal www.historians.in.ua.
The lecture will be held on Tuesday May 13th at 5:00 PM at the Concert Hall of the Royal Castle in Warsaw.
The lecture will be held in Polish.
Seating is limited. To RSVP, please call Marta Smolińska at tel. 22 35 55 170 or email her at m.smolinska@zamek-krolewski.pl.
For more information, please visit: http://www.zamek-krolewski.pl/edukacja/wyklady/cykl-wykladow-polska-ukraina-europa-dziedzictwo-i-przyszlosc/jak-zrozumiec-wschodnia-ukraine