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Author: Luc Maffre

Islam in Poland

Interview with Konrad Pędziwiatr, lecturer at Kraków University of Economics. Interviewer: Luc Maffre. 

May 19, 2017 - Luc Maffre

To inform, or disinform: Russia’s new propaganda war

Propaganda comes with a lot of myths and delusions, as the term has been widely overused in the past. Usually linked to rigid principles and a core ideology, it might seem inappropriate or inconsistent to use it nowadays, since we are overwhelmed by all kinds of theories, from the most conspiratorial to the more credible ones. Yet, we should not avoid the topic. As we are witnessing a new global-scale competition in the media sector, propaganda seems to be appearing once again. Western democracies, the cradle of countless independent newspapers, are witnessing a general crisis of confidence, general transition to the Internet and a declining quality of journalism.In light of such a crisis, at the opposite end of the spectrum, a new model of journalism is emerging. This model is characterised by a vertical chain of command, similar to military organisations, and an ambiguous attitude to the truth. The competition seems unequal; the latter type is becoming increasingly widespread and the traditional model of journalism, based upon a long tradition trust between the author and the reader, is gradually losing ground.

October 21, 2016 - Luc Maffre

Donbas. Two years later

After two years of war and almost 10,000 people killed, the conflict in Donbas is taking on a new dimension. Compared to the vast majority of Ukraine’s landmass, the small piece of territory held by the separatists remains impossible to access for most Ukrainians. The front line has become a new border and the vicinity’s […]

May 11, 2016 - Luc Maffre


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