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Tag: Russian foreign policy

How Moscow and its allies are undermining the non-proliferation regime

The Russo-Ukrainian War’s global repercussions increasingly subvert the foundations of the international nuclear order.

January 23, 2025 - Andreas Umland

Polish-Russian relations: a Cold War of gestures and new lows

It would be fair to say that relations between Poland and Russia have reached a new low in recent years. Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine ended any semblance of normality between the two states, which are now engaged in what could be described as a new Cold War.

December 20, 2024 - Paulina Siegień

How BRICS is collapsing under the weight of its own ambition

Nearly two decades after its establishment, the multilateral organization remains a mere talking shop with no coherent agenda or mission statement.

October 11, 2024 - Saahil Menon

Central Asia gains prominence in European Union strategy

Following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the importance of Central Asia to the EU has become increasingly clear. Now represents an opportune moment for Brussels to strengthen a relationship that could greatly benefit both regions in the future.

March 29, 2024 - Janusz Bugajski

Six obstacles for a negotiated settlement between Kyiv and Moscow

Recent months have seen an increase in discussions concerning possible negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. Despite this, many deep-rooted issues will likely make any discussions futile in the current circumstances. The West must subsequently help Kyiv gain the greatest leverage possible on the battlefield for any kind of negotiated resolution in the future.

March 14, 2024 - Andreas Umland

Oppressed empire

The Kremlin's rhetoric about the fight against western imperialism reveals more about Russia's war with Ukraine than it would seem at first glance.

February 27, 2024 - Fedor Agapov

On the failure of the Russian and Soviet “Hegemonic Projects”

Around 170 years ago the Crimean War put an end to almost forty years of Russian supremacy in Europe. Other Russian and Soviet hegemonic projects were also to fail several times in the 20th century. Despite this, the current Russian leadership is once again advocating for the creation of such a project. Does this aspiration of the Putin team to restore the country's powerful position have any chance of succeeding?

February 5, 2024 - Leonid Luks

Betting big on Middle Eastern dictatorships will not end well for Putin

Russia is making common cause with Iran and its Persian Gulf neighbours in a bid to kickstart the much touted “new world order”, albeit at the risk of becoming entirely beholden to West Asia’s main players.

August 21, 2023 - Saahil Menon

Putin’s stumble with lacklustre Russia-Africa Summit presents an opportunity

Ukraine and the West should reach out to African countries for the benefit of all three after Russia comes short in its attempt to attract the continents attention.

August 4, 2023 - Aleksandra Klitina Lesia Dubenko

Saudi Arabia’s balancing act: Navigating geopolitical waters amidst the Russo-Ukrainian War

In spite of voting against Russia's invasion of Ukraine at the United Nations last year, Saudi Arabia has maintained an uncertain position on the war ever since. Overall, it appears that Riyadh may be looking to maximise opportunities presented by the conflict by maintaining good relations with both sides.

July 18, 2023 - Joseph Roche

The Russo-Belarusian Union State is here

Belarus continues to play a low-level yet crucial part in the ongoing war in Ukraine. While the Russian military sends troops to the country, it is also firing missiles at Ukraine from Belarusian territory. It is increasingly clear that the very independence of the country is now under threat. 

April 27, 2023 - Mark Temnycky

The fetish of Russia’s stability: an intelligent weapon against the West

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has exposed the nexus between repressive domestic rule and aggressive foreign policy. As long as Russia remains a dictatorship, it will pose an existential threat to the security order in Europe. It is, therefore, in the West's interest to see a permanent dismantling of the current model of government in Russia. Putin's departure from office will create a short-term window of opportunity for political change. Contrary to widespread fears, the end of this autocratic pseudo-stability may pave the way for sustainable peace in Europe.

March 24, 2023 - Maria Domańska


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