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Lika Khutsiberidze

January 20, 2024 - Giorgi Beroshvili

Lika Khutsiberidze is a second-year Master’s student of European Politics and Society, the Erasmus Mundus programme jointly run by Charles University, Leiden University, and Jagiellonian University. She previously earned her BA in International Relations from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Georgia. Lika has 2-year working experience as an analyst at Georgia’s Reforms Associates, a non-governmental policy watchdog and multi-profile think tank in Tbilisi, Georgia. She researched anti-Western and pro-Russian disinformation and propaganda; contributed to reports, fact-checking articles and newsletters monitoring and assessing the disinformation ecosystem in Georgia. Lika’s academic interests cover Central and Eastern Europe, EU enlargement, Georgia-EU relations and the EU’s security and defence system. She has been actively involved in community projects and has cross-cultural experiences, as she spent several semesters as an exchange student at the University of Bremen, Germany and Otterbein University, the US.

Read what Lika has to say about the Think Tank School:

What makes this winter school exceptional is not just the opportunity to learn from esteemed speakers, but also the chance to gain insights from intelligent student peers who possess creative ideas and share a passion for driving positive societal changes on issues we all deeply care about. If you aspire to work (or create one) for impactful NGOs, think tanks, watchdog and advocacy groups, or policy research institutions in the future, you should certainly consider applying to this enriching winter school. It offers a warm, welcoming, and safe space that encourages participants to ask questions and receive a practice-based guidance on how to effectively engage with the democracy-building challenges these organizations tackle daily.


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