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Tag: Volker-Surkov talks

Discourses of peacekeeping in Ukraine

Ukrainian inner discourses are permanently compromised because most of them are produced by the Russian Federation. The idea of a peacekeeping force by itself exists as if without an alternative, and now there is a discussion about the mandate, number and national composition of peacekeeping troops. But in reality there is no consensus on the hypothetical deployment, and this consensus has never existed. 

June 5, 2018 - Maria Kucherenko Vitalii Kulyk

Why the Volker-Surkov talks on Donbas cannot succeed

The negotiations between Volker and Surkov may continue for a long time, but one should be cautious when hoping for any success. It is important to understand that no real "thaw" is possible because Russia's confrontational policy towards the West is its main and unchanging feature, which originates from the very nature of the Russian regime.

March 13, 2018 - Wojciech Konończuk and Serhiy Harmash


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