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Tag: US-Ukraine relations

“Nations that do things out of self-interest are much stronger allies than nations that act out of sympathy”

Interview with Tamar Jacoby, the director of the Progressive Policy Institute's New Ukraine Project. Interviewer: Iwona Reichardt.

February 28, 2024 - Iwona Reichardt Tamar Jacoby

Why Ukraine deserves major non-NATO ally status

If Ukraine’s authorities continue to ask for further assistance and military aid, including various technology, it would be necessary that this co-operation become institutionalised and backed by agreements. Adding Ukraine to the list of US major non-NATO allies would be one way to carry this out.

May 10, 2022 - Vladyslav Faraponov

Whither US-Ukraine relations during a Biden presidency?

The United States is among Ukraine’s key foreign partners and one of the main providers of substantial political, economic and military aid. Ever since Russia’s aggression in 2014, the US has been a staunch supporter, both in word and deed, of Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and security, as well as the implementation of democratic reforms.

February 3, 2021 - Nadiia Bureiko


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