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Tag: Ukrainian politics

Presidential election in Ukraine: Five reasons Zelenskiy is likely to win the second ballot

What do the trends in the first round of the Ukrainian presidential election tell us about how the second round will look like? With less than a week left to the final contest, both candidates seem intent on continuing to discredit each other.

April 15, 2019 - Ruslan Kermach

Who is Mr Ze?

Comedian-candidate Volodymyr Zelenskiy emerged as the clear victor in the first round of Ukraine’s presidential elections. His quick and bright rise to popularity might not be so shocking, however, if one considers the voting groups he captured and the methods his campaign employed in the process.

April 10, 2019 - Valerii Pekar

Ukraine presidential elections narrowed down from 39 to 2 contenders

The results of the first round of the presidential election in Ukraine will pit incumbent President Petro Poroshenko against comedian and TV star Volodymyr Zelenskiy. A surprisingly unpredictable election process will continue through April. 

April 1, 2019 - Jonathan Hibberd

What might disrupt the presidential election in Ukraine?

Just days before the first round of the Ukrainian presidential election scheduled for Sunday March 31st, the preferences of voters seem to be further consolidating.

March 29, 2019 - Ruslan Kermach

Spot the reformers among Ukraine’s presidential candidates

Many of Ukraine’s presidential candidates systematically lie about their support for reforms and European integration. Finding the real reformer is hard – but urgent if Ukraine is to break the cycle of corruption and Russian aggression.

March 26, 2019 - Taras Kuzio

Three reasons why a comedian should not be the president of Ukraine

As the Ukrainian presidential elections approach later this month, many political scientists are talking about the shocking popularity of comedian-candidate Volodymyr Zelenskiy. But perhaps they should also spend more time discussing the negative aspects of the candidate and the struggles his potential election could bring to Ukraine.

March 19, 2019 - Taras Kuzio

Five years after Maidan: a stronger civil society looks forward despite challenges

Since the Revolution of Dignity, reforms have not been a walk in the park for Ukraine. While the first months brought progress, serious shortfalls remain. But, the revolution did succeed in one important way – there is now an entire generation of activists improving their communities and building a new civic culture. They have not succeeded in politics, but someday they might, and already they have made a positive impact on Ukrainian society.

February 28, 2019 - Chris G. Collison

Tymoshenko’s populist multi-vector programme for the 2019 election

Yulia Tymoshenko began her election campaign first among candidates and has, according to estimates by different Ukrainian NGO’s, spent the most on it. Tymoshenko was in the lead in every opinion poll until February and she has a good chance to be elected president in the second round of the elections in the third week of April.

February 18, 2019 - Taras Kuzio

Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy leads presidential campaign polls in Ukraine

Well-known Ukrainian showman and recently-confirmed presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelenskiy unexpectedly leads in the public support polls. His alternative candidacy is revealing of several challenges facing Ukraine today.

February 12, 2019 - Ruslan Kermach

Ukrainian election and thorny politics of language

In a crass move to help his re-election campaign, President Poroshenko is playing language politics which goes against the diverse reality and tolerant values of Ukraine after Maidan.

February 11, 2019 - Nikolas Kozloff

Will strongman Hrytsenko appeal to Ukrainian voters?

Viktor Yushchenko's former minister of defence and his bid for the 2019 elections.

January 30, 2019 - Taras Kuzio

Are Ukrainians assessing their leaders unfairly?

The last four years have been challenging for the Ukrainian state. Would anyone have dealt with everything better than President Poroshenko?

August 17, 2018 - Taras Kuzio


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