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Tag: Ukrainian politics

Ten reflections on Ukraine’s parliamentary vote

The snap parliamentary elections were a great success for President Zelenskyy and his party. However there is more to this election than meets the eye.

July 30, 2019 - Kostiantyn Fedorenko

The new Ukrainian parliament at first glance

What will it look like?

July 24, 2019 - Valerii Pekar

Voting advice applications in pre-electoral Ukraine

PROвибір and other electronic instruments are helping Ukrainians to distinguish parties according to their political, socio-economic and cultural agendas

July 19, 2019 - Andreas Umland

Ukraine’s stagnant democracy: Reflections after a TV star’s presidential win

Democracy in Ukraine is neither moving forward nor backward – it's stagnant. 

June 11, 2019 - Paul Shields

A new face on the Dnieper

A conversation with Milan Lelich, a Ukrainian political commentator. Interviewer: Zbigniew Rokita.

June 3, 2019 - Milan Lelich Zbigniew Rokita

Critical questions for Ukraine’s new president

A list of issues for this year’s reform agenda and Kyiv’s relations with the West.

May 30, 2019 - Andreas Umland

Zelenskiy, the Washington swamp and the Party of Regions

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's links to the Party of Regions lead to a trail of breadcrumbs that ends in the American capital.

May 20, 2019 - Taras Kuzio

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk’s prospects and challenges ahead of the parliamentary elections in Ukraine

The renowned Ukrainian musician and activist Svyatoslav Vakarchuk disappointed many by not involving himself more in the presidential election. It remains to be seen if he will have an impact on the next elections.

May 16, 2019 - Ruslan Kermach

“Ze” support. What do the final presidential election results in Ukraine reveal?

Volodymyr Zelenskiy won the Ukrainian presidency with an unprecedented percentage of the democratic vote. Though he certainly maintains a base of loyal supporters, polls suggest that many second-round votes for Zelenskiy were actually protest votes against the incumbent President Petro Poroshenko.

April 29, 2019 - Ruslan Kermach

Zelenskyy’s populism 2.0. What it means for Ukraine

The political plan of President-elect Volodymyr Zelenskyy is largely unknown. Will his presidency be as unique as his rise to power?

April 24, 2019 - Volodymyr Yermolenko

Ukraine’s election shows democracy is thriving despite post-Maidan challenges

With the final round of the Ukrainian presidential elections just around the corner, voters will again take part in a democratic exercise that will strengthen their society.

April 19, 2019 - Stefan Jajecznyk

Why a Zelenskiy presidency will not be the end of Ukraine

Zelenskiy’s likely success in Ukraine’s upcoming presidential elections will be an enormous aberration. It will create high risks because of the new president’s lack of experience, yet also provide new opportunities of integration between Ukraine’s state and society.

April 17, 2019 - Andreas Umland


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