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Tag: Ukraine

Collective security and national sovereignty. Hungary’s 25 years in NATO

In examining Hungary's involvement within NATO over the past 25 years, one should begin with how the country views NATO. While Budapest is honoured to be a member of this esteemed organization, it is crucial to understand why.

September 16, 2024 - Péter Stepper

Reforming legal education in Ukraine: key aspects

Ukraine’s path to EU integration involves reforms across a large number of sectors. Among these is the country’s system of legal education, which still continues to struggle with inefficiencies that can be traced back to the old Soviet system. Change is therefore crucial for ensuring the country’s democratic future.

September 12, 2024 - Ivan Posylnyi

Putin is caught like a rabbit in the headlights

An interview with Col. Philip Ingram (ret.), former UK military intelligence officer and NATO planner. Interviewer: Vazha Tavberidze

September 10, 2024 - Philip Ingram Vazha Tavberidze

What each Ukrainian felt: a review of Kateryna Pylypchuk’s The War that Changed Us: Ukrainian Novellas, Poems, and Essays from 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has seen the creation of a number of works detailing everyday trauma. In Kateryna Pylypchuk’s new collection, we can see how such writing can ultimately allow for a strengthening of the spirit in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

September 2, 2024 - Nicole Yurcaba

Could an Istanbul deal have brought peace?

The experience of the post-Soviet republics regarding security-related agreements with Moscow is such that the 2022 Russian-Ukrainian talks had little chance of success.

August 5, 2024 - Andreas Umland

Why equating Ukraine’s future with post-war South Korea is a mistake

Proposals are now being made that the war in Ukraine be frozen in a similar manner to the divide to the Korean peninsula (1953). While this may at first glance have appeal, the two conflicts ultimately have little in common.

July 31, 2024 - Samuel Dempsey

Securing stability: powering Ukraine’s defence production surge

The topic of western aid for Ukraine remains a key issue in politics today. In spite of this, the war-torn country is now starting to build up its own defence industry. With the help of allies, this effort could help secure essential supplies for Kyiv.

July 26, 2024 - Diana Maslianchuk

Why dream of Kharkiv?

A city can leave impressions on people in different ways. While those from afar may admire its history and culture, those from the area may also attach personal meaning to its streets and buildings. In a time of war, separation may encourage a longing in which both the past and future combine.

July 24, 2024 - Anna Kolomititseva Marcel Krueger

Ukraine’s IT hacker army requires a non-technical solution to scale

Cyber-attacks have become a regular part of Ukraine’s resistance against Russian aggression. This can be seen in the activities of the country’s volunteer IT Army, which continues to call for volunteers to lend their support to attacks against the Kremlin’s online presence.

July 19, 2024 - David Kirichenko 

An attack on the most vulnerable

The daytime missile attacks on Ukrainian cities continue to harass the country’s civilian population. Even with upgraded air defence capabilities, Russia’s cruise missiles still manage to find their way to hospitals and power stations.

July 11, 2024 - Kateryna Pryshchepa

Against all odds: finding hope amidst the fire in north-eastern Ukraine

In the heart of north-eastern Ukraine, the liberated communities of the Sumy region continue to be ravaged by Russia’s aerial assaults. The need for resolute military support amidst the shortage of long-range air defence systems and ammunition is felt especially sharply by the border communities, where recent attacks have wiped out entire villages. Yet amidst the devastation, the stark realities of war have encouraged locals to unite to rebuild their homes stronger than before.

July 5, 2024 - Anna Harmash

Exploring crime fiction, war and Ukrainian literature

Interview with crime author Kseniya Tsyhanchuk. Interviewer: Kinga Anna Gajda.

July 3, 2024 - Kinga Gajda Kseniya Tsyhanchuk


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