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Tag: Ukraine-West relations

What if Ukraine will lose? What if Ukraine will win?

The war in Ukraine is now reaching a turning point that could see the war-torn country either win or lose the conflict. The West is subsequently faced with the question of whether it will truly back Kyiv in its aim to achieve victory. Such a decision will have consequences for the entire world order.

September 4, 2024 - Valerii Pekar

What Ukraine can teach America

The response of Ukrainian society to Russia's invasion stands out for its unity. Almost overnight, almost all sections of society agreed to work together to resist such aggression. This reality contrasts greatly with the divisions currently found in America, Kyiv’s most crucial ally.

February 9, 2024 - Sam Patten

Is the West worth saving?

No matter the ultimate outcome, a “Darkest Hour” winter beckons for Ukraine amidst questions over western resolve. So, does the Free World really have the stomach to support Ukraine “for as long as it takes (to win)”? And can the West really “mobilize” to this end, as the returning Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk recently demanded?

January 24, 2024 - Dominik Jun

Is there any “endgame” in the Russian-Ukrainian war?

The West needs to reimagine its strategy regarding a possible end to the war in Ukraine. At the moment, all possible strategies appear to result in more challenges. A more positive vision can only come when western governments challenge the precepts of their thinking.

October 25, 2023 - Valerii Pekar

How the western political elite can move from uncertainty to certainty in the Russian war

There continues to be much debate about the prospect of a “stalemate scenario” in Ukraine. While such a situation may seemingly decrease uncertainty on a short-term basis, this does not take away Putin’s ability to cause further trouble down the road.

August 16, 2023 - Dmytro Zolotukhin Valerii Pekar

Three strategies of western support for Ukraine: intensification, modification and innovation

The geopolitical salience of the Russia–Ukraine War and the remoteness of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union or NATO call for intensification and modification of, and innovation in, current western approaches.

February 3, 2023 - Andreas Umland

Fighting bullets and patronisation

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine in 2022, segments of the US foreign policy elite have been encouraging Ukraine to pursue peace with Russia. This encouragement would be one thing if it was done with Ukraine’s best interests at heart. However, a read through many publications by certain individuals reveals a patronising tone that often ignores the needs of a country fighting for its existence.

December 1, 2022 - Daniel Jarosak

Why the West is still not yet helping Ukraine as much as possible

Many Western European public debates about help for Ukraine juxtapose feelings of solidarity for Ukrainians with concerns about the security of the West. This dualism ignores the core national interests of EU and NATO member countries regarding a Russian defeat and the development of a safe, stable and resilient Ukraine.

October 10, 2022 - Andreas Umland

From stopping the invasion to winning the war

Media outlets across the world continue to discuss the chance that the war in Ukraine may soon be ended with a peace treaty. Despite this, the security of Ukraine and Europe as a whole can only be guaranteed if Kyiv is allowed to secure a decisive victory with help from its allies.

April 26, 2022 - Volodymyr Valkov


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