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Tag: Three Seas Initiative

The Three Seas Initiative in Europe facing Trump’s return: a calm or a storm?

Europe is anxiously watching as Trump assumes power, leaving the continent’s future uncertain. Given his first term’s reluctance to engage in multilateral relations, a close partnership with the EU seems improbable. Yet, Trump might provide wider support for regional frameworks like the Three Seas Initiative, which has recently gained significant momentum.

January 22, 2025 - Mariia Didkovska

Three Seas Initiative goes beyond abstract regional concept

The idea of an alliance between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe has remained a popular theory over the past century. Despite this, outside actors have kept such an idea from becoming reality. The Three Seas Initiative of today possesses the potential to truly realize this coalition in testing times.

April 10, 2024 - Jozef Hrabina

Reimagining the Eastern Partnership: It is time for the European Union to embrace the Associated Trio

Many of the EU’s closest neighbours are now going in opposite directions. Whilst some are actively rejecting integration, the states of the Associated Trio continue to express interest. Brussels would be wise to acknowledge such enthusiasm.

October 22, 2021 - Nick Lokker

Three Seas? Yes, please!

The Biden administration could use the Three Seas Initiative to engage with Central and Eastern Europe and counter Russian and Chinese influence in the region.

July 30, 2021 - Kaitlyn Lee

The fading “charm offensive”: Is China losing its game in Central and Eastern Europe?

While some CEE states still remain eager to deepen their links with Beijing, the absences at the summit in February could point to a reverse tendency.

April 2, 2021 - Eter Glurjidze Soso Dzamukashvili

Intermarium vs the Three Seas Initiative

The Intermarium strategy was developed in Poland as a political doctrine at the turn of the 20th century. It was an attempt to answer the general question on how to rebuild a sovereign Polish state and how to secure its future. The concept was innovative even if the purpose was not. The Poles alone, and Poland as a sole actor, wouldn’t be able to achieve such a goal. Poland’s enemies, especially Russia, were considered the main obstacle to independence and excessively powerful. The authors of the Intermarium strategy, Józef Piłsudski and his closest associates of the Polish Socialist Party, discovered the potential of nationalistic aspirations of other nations living within the Russian state. The idea was simple: to initiate a national revolt in a suitable moment and split Russia along national divisions. In such a way both major Polish goals would be fulfilled: independence and a secure future. Russia, if pushed from Europe and stripped of its conquest, would be annihilated as an empire and no longer pose a threat to the newly established states.

July 6, 2017 - Daria Nałęcz


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