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Tag: syria

From Russia with love: an unwanted anniversary gift for Georgia

The recent Syrian recogntion of Abkhazia and South Ossetia represents a serious challenge for Georgia's foreign policy. Even if it is just the result of Moscow's hold on Damascus, it could have negative repercussions not only for Georgia, but for Syria as well.

June 12, 2018 - Givi Gigitashvili

Russia’s Middle East crusade

Russia’s growing influence in the Middle East is a result of the United States’ lack of strategy in the region. Through its engagement in Syria, Moscow seeks a return to the first league of global players.

In mid-December 2017 Vladimir Putin unexpectedly visited the Hmeimim air base, southwest of the Syrian city of Latakia. He was the first president of a major power to visit the war-torn Syria since the conflict began seven years ago. The visit resembled a victory parade. While the level of triumphalism was clearly over the top, as Syria is still immersed in the fight against the self-proclaimed Islamic State, Putin, two years after sending his troops, can deem his endeavour a success.

February 26, 2018 - Paweł Pieniążek

Abkhazia: Looking forward to Syrian recognition

The possible recognition of the de-facto republic of Abkhazia by Syrian authorities runs the risk of compromising their state integrity. However, it is likely that the parties will continue maintaining and improving bilateral relations at an informal level.

December 4, 2017 - Shota Tkhelidze

Turkey at a geopolitical crossroads – Part II

An interview with Adam Szymański, associate professor with the Institute of Political Science at the University of Warsaw. Interviewer: Jim Blackburn

May 20, 2016 - Adam Szymański


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