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Tag: students

Should Ukraine allow male students to study abroad?

It is no secret that the time of martial law in Ukraine has forced the authorities in Kyiv to make unpopular decisions. One of the most outrageous is certainly the one regarding the ban on leaving the country of men of recruiting age. Students of international universities are a particularly problematic subcategory in this regard.

October 13, 2022 - Wojciech Siegień

From the unknown to the better known. Evolution of French thinking about Eastern Europe

Interview with Alexandra Goujon, a professor of political science at the University of Burgundy. Interviewer: Clémence Lavialle.

August 13, 2021 - Alexandra Goujon Clémence Lavialle

Billboards, bureaucracy, Budapest. Foreign students in the Hungarian capital

Prejudice against foreigners runs deep in Hungarian society and this will require complex, large scale changes in order to solve. This includes bureaucratic reform, civil campaigns and better language and cultural education.

June 22, 2021 - Márton Munding


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