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Tag: solidarity with Ukraine

Ukraine and the EU: scenarios of European integration

Many now talk about Ukraine’s potential membership of the European Union. However, there has been little discussion on how Kyiv could become a member state in a practical sense. A recent EU-funded event in the Ukrainian capital offered insight into the country’s prospects, ultimately laying out various positive, negative and middle of the road scenarios.

November 18, 2022 - Valerii Pekar

Why the West is still not yet helping Ukraine as much as possible

Many Western European public debates about help for Ukraine juxtapose feelings of solidarity for Ukrainians with concerns about the security of the West. This dualism ignores the core national interests of EU and NATO member countries regarding a Russian defeat and the development of a safe, stable and resilient Ukraine.

October 10, 2022 - Andreas Umland

From stopping the invasion to winning the war

Media outlets across the world continue to discuss the chance that the war in Ukraine may soon be ended with a peace treaty. Despite this, the security of Ukraine and Europe as a whole can only be guaranteed if Kyiv is allowed to secure a decisive victory with help from its allies.

April 26, 2022 - Volodymyr Valkov

Georgians #StandWithUkraine

Since the news broke early in the day on February 24th that Russian forces were invading Ukraine, many living in Georgia were quick to express solidarity and a willingness to help.

March 2, 2022 - Mackenzie Baldinger


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